Fondazione TITO BALESTRA Onlus - Longiano

Fondazione TITO BALESTRA Onlus - Longiano The Foundation, linked to the name of the poet Tito Balestra (Longiano 1923-1976), was formed thanks to the widow donation of the figurative heritage collected by the husband (2302 works including oils, drawings and sculptures).
The Foundation carries out initiatives for graphic work and contemporary visual arts knowledge by organizing in Longiano a permanent exhibition of works of art and promoting events, conferences and any other activities aimed at enhancing the knowledge of the critical literature of the twentieth century, with particular attention to the work of Tito Balestra. In 1989, the Foundation has obtained legal recognition from the President of the Republic.


Piazza Malatestiana, 1 -  47020 Longiano

0547 665850 0547/665420  - 0547 667007