The three villages of Portico di Romagna, Bocconi and San Benedetto in Alpe preserve intact their medieval urban structure. Portico di Romagna retains the ancient structure on three levels sloping down towards the river; Bocconi developed around the original medieval centre only after the construction of the road (Statale 67) by the Grand Duke Leopold to connect Florence to the possessions in Romagna Toscana. San Benedetto was born around the millenary abbey which still dominates the town.
  • Town Hall of Portico e San Benedetto - Piazza Marconi 4 tel. 0543 967047 Fax 967243
  • Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna Visitor Centre - San Benedetto in Alpe, Via Acquacheta 6 - tel. 0543 967047
  • State Forestry Corps: San Benedetto in Alpe tel. 0543 965304
In Portico di Romagna:
  • The square of St. Maria in Girone with the fortress tower, the Palazzo del Podestà, the church of St. Maria in Girone, the steps from the tower on the bottom floor of Via Roma;
  • The aristocratics Portinari (fourteenth century), Mazzoni and  Traversari palaces and the elegant arcades;
  • The church of Compagnia with the painting of the "Madonna del Sangue" attributed to the workshop of Lorenzo di Credi (late fifteenth century), the medieval villages, vineyards and the fascinating Ponte della Maestà.  
In Bocconi:
  • The church of St. Lorenzo with Romagna school paintings, the medieval Vigiacli tower, the wonderful Ponte della Brusia, with waterfalls and charming environment
In San Benedetto in Alpe:
  • The "Poggio", the old Abbey and its remains: well, crypt, portal and parts of the old structure with the current church gets from an aisle.
Part of the area is included in the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, for its great natural and environmental qualities.
From Portico:
  • Walking towards the "smallest volcano in Italy" near the pass of Monte Busca, the historical parishes of Querciolano and Cannetole and the ancient manor nucleus of Montalto, with the mule track immersed in the green as far as Montefreddo. In the opposite side we find the Castellina, the trail as far as Premilcuore.
  • In summer you can swim in the waters of the river at Chiusa, Brusia and Gorgoni.
From Bocconi:
  • Paths toward the majestic chestnut woods of Valpiana and the beechwood on the ridge of Monte Collina
From San Benedetto in Alpe:
  • The famous route of Dante as far as the Acquacheta Waterfalls, the mill and the plain of the Romiti; from the opposite side you get to the summit of Monte Gemelli.
The typical products are mushrooms, truffles, marroni (chestnuts), but also herbs and other undergrowth and hunting products such as wild boar and deer. Many traditional dishes from Romagna are enriched with these products (tagliatelle with mushrooms and truffles, polenta with wild boar, ravioli with herbs...). The processing of salami, and, in particular, cheeses such as ricotta, “raviggiolo”, and pecorino is also typical. Dessert are mostly made with chestnuts and other undergrowth fruits.
  • Fancy-dress Good Friday: Good Friday
  • Chef in Piazza: Review of international cuisine: Second Saturday in July
  • In Girone Baracca e burattini: review of glove puppets: last weekend of July
  • Autumn Festival: last Sunday of September (San Benedetto in Alpe)
  • Fair of the undergrowth fruits and the artistic handicrafts: Second Sunday in October
  • Folk Fest: international festival of folk music groups: 31st October (San Benedetto in Alpe)

P.za Marconi, 3 -  47010 Portico di Romagna

0543 967047  - 0543 967243
