The area of Bagno di Romagna was conquered by the Florentines in 1404, and in 1454 it was organized in the "Capitanato della Val di Bagno", composed of twelve "Communities". So economy and culture were influenced by Tuscany, this relation is still evident both in luxury buildings and country houses. Even the dialect reminds the language of Dante.
Bagno di Romagna (before Balneum Roman settlement) is located on hot water springs. Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the Grand Dukes of Tuscany contributed to the expansion and revitalization of baths, while S. Piero in Bagno became a lively commercial centre. Today, with  his three establishments S.Agnese, Euroterme and Roseo, Bagno di Romagna is one of the best-equipped spa centres of Italy.
In the area of Bagno di Romagna we can find also artistic and naturalistic (Riserva Naturale Integrale di Sassofratino e Area wilderness Fosso del Capanno) values, extending even to the valleys and the most beautiful forests of Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona e Campigna.
The National Park visitor centre in Bagno di Romagna (with plastic and halls equipped for sounds and pictures), is themed on "The landscape’s waters and shapes”
• Town Hall: Martyrs Square 1, S. Piero, tel. 0543 900411
• Comunità Montana Appennino Cesenate: Via Verdi 2-4, S.Piero, tel. 0543 900711
• Pro Loco: Bagno tel. 0543 911174; S. Piero 0543 903350; Selvapiana 0543 903112; Acquapartita: 0543 917682
• National Park visitor centre: Via Fiorentina 38, Bagno, tel. 0543 911304
• Tourist Information Office IAT: Via Fiorentina 38 Bath, tel. 0543 911046
• L’ Altra Romagna: Via Verdi 2, San Piero in Bagno, tel. 0543 903091
• Palazzo del Capitano (Captain’s Building), seat of the ancient power, with the facade where captains, sent every year from Florence to rule the area, affixed their own stone coat of arms with the date of their mandate;
• Basilica di S. Maria Assunta of Romanesque origin: inside, valuable works of art of Tuscan Renaissance school;
• Piazza S. Allende (St. Peter square), with the eighteenth-century Tuscan-inspired buildings; the Ponte dei Frati, artifact on the ancient way.
• The Diga di Ridracoli (Ridracoli dam): great for technical characteristics and environmental fascination, accessible from Isola of S. Sofia (Museum of territory’s mammals at Palazzo Giovannetti, in Ridracoli);
• Mountain bike routes to the east (Acquapartita-Lago dei Pontini-Lago Lungo) and west (Rio Salso-Pietrapazza);
• Ridracoli: walks through the nature trail Ridracoli-Cà di Sopra; trip in the Foresta della Lama: boat + trekking;
• Parking area "Ponte del Faggio", equipped for picnic and with barbecue, in Pietrapazza’s valley (via Passo del  Carnaio- Poggio alla Lastra);
• Route for blinds: : Bagno di Romagna - Sorgente del Chiardovo;
• Hiking along the endless paths in the park (maps at the Visitor Center).
Here, Romagna meets Tuscany also at table, the succulent cuisine of Romagna is combined with the more sober of Tuscan tradition.
At the base of many dishes (tortelli alla lastra, basotti, castagnaccio, ecc.) there are high quality typical products: porcini and chestnuts of Còmero, truffles, sausages and hams, deer, wild boar, hare, pheasants, aged or fresh  cheeses as the incomparable raviggiolo.
• Forgiveness Feast: 2nd Friday in March (Bagno R.)
• Madonna of Corzano’s fire contest, bonfires in districts: last Sunday of August (S. Piero)
• Festivals of September, with porcini, "zambudelle", chestnuts,  tortelli alla lastra (Bagno R.)
• Festinval: Flavours and Colours of the Valsavio, typical products:last weekend of September (S. Piero)
• Ottobre Selvapianese, chestnut festival: every Sunday of October (Selvapiana)
• Tuesday’s Fair, Antiques Market & other: every Tuesday from June to the 2nd in September (Bagno di R.)
Informazioni Martiri 25 Luglio 1944 -  47021 San Piero in bagno

0543 900411  - 0543 903032